So what is cloud computing? In definition, it’s the practice of using a network of remote servers on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, instead of a local server or a PC.
Ideally, cloud computing is the future of computing, from creating a backup to managing cloud software. Think of this as the easy-access entity for your computing devices, network, etc.
Using the cloud improves mobility and, should you find yourself in a situation with data loss or equipment damage, it shortens disaster recovery time. Additionally, it can significantly lower prices on hardware.
So why utilize the cloud?
Today, the cloud is broadly used and anyone that doesn’t use it today is left in the dark in several ways. The main issue is the redundancy and the ability that can be utilized with the cloud.
A cloud interface for items – such as local software, local backups, your everyday access of traditional programs used throughout your organization – can all be gathered and placed in a cloud environment, making them obtain a failsafe attribute that no other service today can provide. The ability to access, change, and provide these features end-users live for through a managed cloud-based environment is essential in any technical environment today.
How secure is the cloud?
The cloud is the safest environment for your data – as well as the most cost effective and easiest way to manage each and every aspect of computing at your business.
Your data can not only be backed up via the cloud, but can also be expanded just by paying for additional space rather than additional equipment. Some services even provide real-time backups that update as you add new material to your PC. This brings in the peace of mind that your data is not only backed up, but safe.
How fast is the cloud?
The cloud is as seamless as your Internet connection. The faster the Internet connection, the faster the cloud connection. Of course, network equipment can also be a contributing factor when having a seamless cloud environment. With that said, the faster the networking equipment, the better.
Of course, there are recommended system requirements for any cloud device or service, however they do vary based on the solution depth and complexity.
Can I have multiple devices backup to the cloud?
Yes, you can. You can have multiple seamless cloud backups going at once that can not only be real time, but managed by a professional to make sure that all of your critical data is accessible and up-to-date.
At Tech Experts, we can provide a solution that can fulfill your cloud back-up needs with a managed environment you would expect from a technical provider.
I’m interested – where do I sign up for the cloud?
The cloud is closer than you think. In fact, it’s just a phone call and a service visit away.
Call one of our trained and detail-oriented professionals today at (734) 457-5000 to inquire about a cloud-based managed solution that’s suitable for your small business.