I’m extremely fortunate to be involved in several peer groups, which helps put me in touch with the best and brightest in the computer service industry. In case you’re not familiar, a peer group is an association of business owners, usually but not always in the same industry, who meet on a regular basis to network and discuss issues they’re having in their businesses.

If you’re not involved in some sort of CEO group or industry association, I encourage you to join one. It is invaluable to be able to network and talk with other business owners who understand my company and the challenges I face. And I’d bet you’d find the experience invaluable, too.
I was able to see two of my peer group friends at the Orlando meeting, David Bennett and Howard Cunningham. These are guys I admire a lot, not only for their business acumen but also for their willingness to share what they’re doing in their businesses that make them successful.
Dave owns Connections for Business in Hollywood, Florida, and Howard owns Macro Systems just outside of Washington, D.C. These guys share my goal of growing my business and providing incredible service to my clients. They’re at the top of their game in the IT services industry, and I’m really glad to be able to call them friends.